Wednesday, December 21, 2011

marking down more milestones

Growth-wise:  Last doctor's appointment, Everett had shot up to the 70 %tile for height, but is still only 30%tile-ish for weight.  The weight thing, more than before, definitely has to be related to his eating habits.

Eating:  Everett has kind of okay days for eating, but more often than not just doesn't want to eat.  Sometimes he hates what was just his favorite food the week before.  The little guy is starting to demand that he feed himself, but hasn't quite gotten down the spoon from bowl to mouth movement yet, more often than not he turns the spoon over before it gets to his mouth and dumps food in his lap.  He has much better luck with a fork, but his baby forks are all blunt and it's hard for him to stab things and he gets frustrated.  When Everett gets frustrated, he doesn't mess around - he'll slam things on his tray and then chuck whatever he can get his hands on as far as he can and yell "no, no, no!"

Talking:  Everett finally just started calling me "mommy" (as opposed to calling both of us "daddy") clearly last week.  We're really excited that Everett can now recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, and can almost say them all except for struggle with W.  If you sing the alphabet, Everett will pipe up and can say the next letters in order out to T most of the time.  He's a superstar when you get to G, and will sing G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P without too many mix ups.   Everett will also read letters aloud from store signs (favorite is CVS) and boxes at random times.  Everett is trying to count these days and can kind of make it up to 3 aloud, and will point along up to 5, sometimes 10.  Everett has added a lot of new words, I can't remember them all.  He will demand "up!" or "down!" when he wants to be carried or let loose, and yell "all done!" when he's finished eating.  He has this Big Book of Words and surprised us by knowing words for airplane, tractor, train, and motorcycle.  He can say all the names of his friends at daycare and his daycare provider (though I can't get him to say "Miss...").  I laugh when he asks for "sleepsack, out!" when he wakes up in the morning.

Other things:  Everett learned where his bellybutton is back in October.  He now knows:  head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, chin, knees, feet, toes (and can say all of these) and fingers, tummy, cheeks.  Everett likes to tell me that his feet are stinky.  He'll also give us a heads up when he's about to go #2 and will yell "poo-poo", but so far not with any real advance notice where we'd be able to start potty training or anything.  Everett still loves to jump and dance.  Toy-wise, Everett likes to stack blocks and really enjoys puzzles.  He especially likes his shape shorter (past 2 weeks), and can say 3 out of the 5 shapes (circle, square, star).  Most recently, Everett is really into trucks and cars.  He got a firetruck the other day and it's officially now his favorite toy - unfortunately it makes a lot of noise and sings an annoying song!

Everett is still a happy little boy.  Whenever we leave daycare he runs and gives all of his friends and the daycare lady hugs before I take him home.  He's got definite mommy-attachment issues right now, and I try to remind myself not to spoil him - but it's hard! 

I know there's a lot more that I missed, but at least I remembered to get all of this down.

Monday, October 31, 2011

New Words

Just a short post to remind myself what new words Everett has:
outside, more (and really means it!), bath, sit, egg, cookie, cracker, down, letters I and Y, and likes to say hoo-wah (maybe we have a marine on our hands??).

Everett also will make sounds for a lion (roaring is his favorite), woof-woof for a dog, and meow for a cat.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Everett's a Little Sponge

I know I am long overdue on uploading pictures. There are some videos in the post that will hopefully tide everyone over.

It looks like Everett's first word was banana. At the end of August, he added ball, bubble and shoe. Ball is used very liberally - in addition to an actual ball, he uses the word when he sees anything round, particularly fruit (especially peaches and nectarines - his favorite). Since then, he's added a few more words that he'll use meaningfully:

banana (nanana), ball, bubble, shoes, socks, cheese, baby, car, butterfly (buhfwhy :), chair, dada (for both Eric and me), mama (when reminded that I'm not dada), bye-bye, tree, uh-oh, apple, duck, night-night, juice, slide, wow, tree, up

Here's a video with most of his words:

Everett has also started repeating back words without knowing what he's saying: two, happy, thank you (tay choo), truck.

He can also recognize a couple letters: A, B, H (sometimes), M (sometimes) and O (favorite)

And then there's all the things Everett can understand even if he doesn't have words for it yet: if he's hungry he goes to his chair, if you ask him if he wants to go outside he gets his shoes and waits anxiously by the front door, if you order him to give what he's holding to someone he usually will (and he does a lot of returning of items since he likes to steal things from his friends at daycare), he'll give hugs to people and stuffed animals, occasionally will blow kisses, he'll dance and jump.

The little boy loves to be read to, and will flip through books by himself. He likes alphabet books, books with flaps or sliding pictures, and texture books (especially with furry puppies). Eric had to tell me to stop buying Everett books because his library is growing rapidly - but I can't help it!

And last, randomly, the little boy has no fear now when it comes to the playground:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Everett is 1 year old!

Everett will be 1 year old on July 26, 2011 at 9:03am! This past year sure went by fast! Everett is such an awesome little boy who amazes us every day and always gives us so many reasons to laugh and smile. We're really very blessed.

We had a small party on Saturday. Everett was scared of the crowd of people singing Happy Birthday to him and at first wanted nothing to do with his cake. You'll notice in the pictures that he's not smiling very much, it was close to nap time and he was a bit overwhelmed from all the attention. Here are some pictures from the party taken by my cousin Carlo, and some pictures from the pool later in the afternoon.

07/26/2011 Update

I know I have missed a lot of updates these past couple months. Here are the milestones that I can remember:

  • started really babbling, last week of March
  • started standing without support, May 27

  • first steps, June 15
  • fully walking, June 21

  • maybe said "Elmo" - July 3
  • started shaking his head "no" if he doesn't want to eat something - beginning of July
  • noticed 3+ more teeth - 2, maybe 3 on top and 1 on the bottom - week of July 10
  • noticed he knew what to do when we said "dance" - week of July 10
  • knows where his feet are - July 15
  • knows where his mouth is - July 17
  • went down stairs backwards - July 17
  • knows who Curious George is - July 17
  • said "nanana" when we showed him a banana - July 17
  • jumps when you tell him to (though it looks exactly like dancing) - week of July 18
  • knows the baby sign language for "eat" and will tell you when he's hungry - week of July 18
  • will sign to wash hands when he's done eating - week of July 18

Somewhere in that timeline, Everett started to wave "bye-bye" if we're the ones leaving, but won't really wave if he's staying put and you're leaving him behind. We still can't get him to wave "hi."

Everett was a good eater until up to a couple weeks ago when he started shaking his head no. Now he won't eat his vegetables unless you hide them in his other food. He loves bananas and will always eat his fruits, yogurt and tofu. He doesn't like ground meats of any sort and will spit it out unless it's chopped very fine. He'll eat egg if you feed it to him on a fork but if he picks it up with his fingers he'll throw it on the floor. Everett will always eat bread, and we found out that he likes pancit at his party - so far he likes most carbohydrates.

He'll happily squeal when he sees Sydney the cat. Luckily Sydney is really patient with Everett, and will only meow complaints. Everett tries to pet her, but really he's pushing down on her stomach. One time he tried to bite her and just ended up with a mouthful of fur. Mostly the cat runs away when she sees Everett coming.

Everett loves to run around outside but only on sidewalks. He doesn't like to walk in grass (too unsteady) and really doesn't like falling down in grass. He also doesn't like sand in his sandals. He's getting faster every day. We like to play the game "Chase Mom" where he'll run around after me in the house while he laughs the whole time.

Everett's favorite toy at daycare is a water table. Everett got this table as a birthday gift from his very generous Gomo Anne, and we couldn't wait to open it because we knew how much fun he'd have playing with it (and then take a verrry long nap afterwards).

And randomly, Everett likes hats or anything that can be worn on his head like a hat. He especially likes the shark beach towel that he got from his Aunt Jenn and Great Aunt Sue. Everett's not picky though, he also likes to put buckets on his head.

Those are all the updates I can think of for now... I will try not to neglect this blog in the future!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7 month update!

Everett has had a lot going on since the last update, here's a short rundown:
  • he loves to stand, all the time
  • he's started walking along furniture
  • he really enjoys eating his solid food
  • he's cutting his first two teeth! (3/2)

At Everett's 6-month well check, Everett was weighing in at 16 lbs 10 oz and measuring 26" tall, both #s are in the 30+ percentile. We were concerned about Everett's dropping in the growth charts, but the doctor said there wasn't anything to worry about. While we were at the appointment, Everett was very active (squirmy, trying to roll around, bouncing) and the doc said that if he was like this all the time (which he is), his calorie burn must be very high. Everything else with the check up was okay, he got another round of booster shots and a flu shot.

The little boy is now very mobile. Everett can crawl super fast when he's on the carpet (and slides all around when you put him on the wood floor) but it seems like the only reason he crawls is so he can get over to something to pull himself up to standing. Everett would rather be standing and bouncing than doing anything else. The moment he wakes up in the morning, he stands at the foot of the crib and waits for us to come get him. If we sit next to him on the ground, he'll crawl over so he can pull himself up on our knees. And now that Everett's standing, he's also started walking along furniture, check it out:

(it's funny that Everett tries to climb the ottoman, he does that a lot)

So all those calories that Everett burns zipping around, he does a good job replacing with his solid foods. Everett gets really excited when you put him in his high chair and will sit with his mouth open and reaching for the spoon, it's like you can't shovel the food fast enough. Fruit-wise he's eating apples, bananas and pears and with veggies Everett's eating sweet potatoes, green beans, peas and carrots. His favorites are peas but he'll eagerly eat anything and doesn't appear picky. Our freezer is fully stocked with a bunch of pureed vegetables, and next week we'll be starting squash, peaches and mangoes. Everett loves to eat so much that it's fun to make food for him :)

And finally, Everett's first two bottom teeth are coming in! I've been checking for teeth for the past couple weeks now, and yesterday morning I finally felt some teeth and sure enough, there are two little white lines starting to poke out through his gums. Everett hasn't been overly fussy, so hopefully his new pearly whites aren't bothering him at all.

It seems like I say this a lot, but I really can't believe how fast Everett is growing. Eric and I were putting away EJ's clothes that he's outgrown, and the outfits were so tiny - it's amazing to think that our baby was ever that small!

Here are some pictures of our little man, enjoy!

03/03/2011 update

Friday, February 4, 2011

Everett is standing!

I still owe everyone Everett's 6-month update, but I don't have time to write a blog right now. Instead, here's a video of Everett pulling himself into a standing position - I wasn't expecting this for another couple months!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Everett vs. Rice Cereal

Everett had his first taste of rice cereal this weekend... unfortunately he didn't take to it.

He was really excited to sit in his booster seat:

He was excited to see the spoon coming towards his mouth and wanted to help me get it there faster:

But once he got the rice cereal in his mouth, something weirded him out. The expressions Everett can already make with his eyebrows cracks me up:

And then whatever was on the spoon ended up on his chin:

We tried again a couple more times this weekend with the same result. Could just be a texture and flavor thing... who could possibly be excited over tasteless, watery rice cereal? Maybe next weekend we'll try bananas or peas. For now we'll be sending Everett off to daycare with the rice cereal, maybe his caregiver will have better luck (but I doubt it).

Everett caught his first cold at daycare. Besides have a really runny nose, he seems to be his regular, happy, screeching self. He's getting really, really close to crawling. He spends a lot of time rocking back and forth on his knees, and he can turn himself in circles to get to his toys, which makes for fun video clips of Everett:

3 more days til Everett's 6-month birthday. Can you believe it?

01/23/2011 update