Hi Everyone!
I know I've been lazy at updating the blog. Aside from wishing I had taken weekly, or at least monthly, pictures to keep track of how huge I'm getting - there really hasn't been much to update.
The pregnancy has been going smoothly, the little baby boy regularly kicks like a soccer champ, I've been gaining weight and measuring at the doctor specified rates, and we've been trying to get the house cleaned and reorganized for the arrival of the little one and all the family to follow. Baby-wise,
I don't get anymore full ultrasounds for the remainder of the pregnancy. They check the baby's heartbeat every week, and then I did get scanned very quickly the past couple visits to make sure the levels of amniotic fluid are where they should be, and also to confirm that the baby is head down - which he is, and happily reminds me whenever I get punched in the bladder! I get kicked in the ribs a lot... actually the baby makes me have better posture since I have to sit up straight to avoid getting kicked hard.
At the latest doctor visit, I was measuring at 3 cm dilated, and supposedly my belly has dropped. I was excited and thought that I'd be going into labor early, but then when I went to read up on the subject, being dilated early doesn't always equal early delivery or faster labor (which I was . I still think I'm carrying high, but Eric and others have commented that my belly definitely looks different. Supposedly I look tiny for 38 weeks... but I think that's just a polite thing to say to pregnant woman, because I definitely don't feel tiny! I've gained about 33 lbs and haven't had any weight gain the past couple weeks (and I've been going to the doctor weekly now for the past 3 weeks) I'll let you judge for yourselves: I'm still pretty mobile, haven't had too many issues with swelling or any other pregnant discomforts. I think it helps out a lot that I'm still exercising, though really low intensity. My back gets sore occasionally, and I can't stay away from salt for too long - so when I indulge (yum, pizza!) I pay for it in the evenings, but is solved easily enough with propping my feet up and drinking tons of water.
It's hard to believe my last day at work is going to be tomorrow. I almost feel a little guilty taking off before my due date since I've been able to manage pretty well at my desk all day, just feel a little bit tired towards the end of the day - but who doesn't feel like that? For the most part I'll be spending my last couple free days straightening up around the house and relaxing, although work has already asked if I could call in for a couple meetings over the next week.
We've pretty much finished working on the nursery and we wanted to show you the final product - even though you'll see the room for yourselves in the next month or so. So I'll stop blabbering for now, enjoy the rest of the pictures.
We're getting close, take care for now!
Love, Kristine