Growth-wise: Last doctor's appointment, Everett had shot up to the 70 %tile for height, but is still only 30%tile-ish for weight. The weight thing, more than before, definitely has to be related to his eating habits.
Eating: Everett has kind of okay days for eating, but more often than not just doesn't want to eat. Sometimes he hates what was just his favorite food the week before. The little guy is starting to demand that he feed himself, but hasn't quite gotten down the spoon from bowl to mouth movement yet, more often than not he turns the spoon over before it gets to his mouth and dumps food in his lap. He has much better luck with a fork, but his baby forks are all blunt and it's hard for him to stab things and he gets frustrated. When Everett gets frustrated, he doesn't mess around - he'll slam things on his tray and then chuck whatever he can get his hands on as far as he can and yell "no, no, no!"
Talking: Everett finally just started calling me "mommy" (as opposed to calling both of us "daddy") clearly last week. We're really excited that Everett can now recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, and can almost say them all except for struggle with W. If you sing the alphabet, Everett will pipe up and can say the next letters in order out to T most of the time. He's a superstar when you get to G, and will sing G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P without too many mix ups. Everett will also read letters aloud from store signs (favorite is CVS) and boxes at random times. Everett is trying to count these days and can kind of make it up to 3 aloud, and will point along up to 5, sometimes 10. Everett has added a lot of new words, I can't remember them all. He will demand "up!" or "down!" when he wants to be carried or let loose, and yell "all done!" when he's finished eating. He has this Big Book of Words and surprised us by knowing words for airplane, tractor, train, and motorcycle. He can say all the names of his friends at daycare and his daycare provider (though I can't get him to say "Miss..."). I laugh when he asks for "sleepsack, out!" when he wakes up in the morning.
Other things: Everett learned where his bellybutton is back in October. He now knows: head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, chin, knees, feet, toes (and can say all of these) and fingers, tummy, cheeks. Everett likes to tell me that his feet are stinky. He'll also give us a heads up when he's about to go #2 and will yell "poo-poo", but so far not with any real advance notice where we'd be able to start potty training or anything. Everett still loves to jump and dance. Toy-wise, Everett likes to stack blocks and really enjoys puzzles. He especially likes his shape shorter (past 2 weeks), and can say 3 out of the 5 shapes (circle, square, star). Most recently, Everett is really into trucks and cars. He got a firetruck the other day and it's officially now his favorite toy - unfortunately it makes a lot of noise and sings an annoying song!
Everett is still a happy little boy. Whenever we leave daycare he runs and gives all of his friends and the daycare lady hugs before I take him home. He's got definite mommy-attachment issues right now, and I try to remind myself not to spoil him - but it's hard!
I know there's a lot more that I missed, but at least I remembered to get all of this down.