Friday, August 27, 2010

1 month update

Everett had his 1-month birthday on Thursday. Looking back through pictures, I can't believe how different he already looks! He had a doctor's visit and is weighing in now at 9 lbs 12 oz... we knew he was gaining a lot of weight since his newborn clothes no longer fit him and we had to bump him up to the next size and diapers, but I was not expecting to hear that he had gained almost 3 lbs from his last doctor visit (he started at 7 lbs 1 oz and then lost some weight to 6 lbs 14 oz, as expected, the next couple days after leaving the hospital). Then again, I guess I shouldn't have been that surprised, the little guy sure does like his milk, and he likes to drink it often!

Milestone-wise, his neck is getting stronger - he can carry his head a little better and if he lays on our chests, he likes to push himself up and look around. He's just started to focus on things, and likes to look in mirrors. Every once in a while, he will coo at you when you talk to him... all little things, but all really exciting to us!

Everett feeds about every 1.5-2 hrs during the daytime, and every 3-4 hours at night. I've been pumping once daily so that Eric can help out with one nighttime feeding. It took a couple trial runs with different bottles, but we finally found one that works (ie, the nipple flow isn't too fast, so the baby isn't sputtering or dribbling when too much milk comes out). From the bottle, Everett drinks about 3 oz in 25 minutes. Eric's glad he gets to share in the feeding-bonding time, and I'm thankful that I can get a little extra rest at night.

My mom was here for 12 days, she just went back to Chicago this morning. Boy, was it awesome having her here! Everett loved being carried around by Grandma Elsie, she learned the secret of soothing him to sleep by stroking the hair by his ear, and calming a fussy baby by carrying him while doing her physical therapy leg strengthening exercises :). And, in addition to being super-grandma, she helped replant our garden and also made all my favorite Filipino foods - my freezer is nicely stocked in case I crave some more homemade cooking in the months to come. I'm a little afraid of how I'm going to take care of everything now that she's not here to help me out... we'll have to find a way to manage. We all miss her already, especially Everett.

Uncle Mark is also here. Little Everett amuses him with his funny faces and noises, and will only let his Uncle carry him when he's sleeping :). Don't worry Mark, the next time you visit us, your nephew will be a whole lot more fun!

While my mom was here, we also went to go visit Great-grandma Prisca a couple times. My grandma is having a hard time remembering our names these days, but she seemed to remember me and was very excited by the baby. All the ladies in the care home were happy when Everett came by to visit and eat lunch with them. By the last day, Great-grandma felt strong enough to carry Everett for a short while and she kept commenting "
nadagsén!" or "he's heavy!" while she cuddled with him and kissed his head.

Next week, Grandma Heesook, Grandpa Sungbae, and Gomo Anne (I can't remember the long Korean names for Grandma/Grandpa!) will be here to visit us - Everett is excited to finally meet all of you :)

Here is a picture of Everett sleeping peacefully with Daddy from the beginning of August, it's amazing how much he's grown up already!

And here's a link to a couple more photos:
update 8/27/10

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