Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3 month update - rolling over!

Everett turned 3 months today! And he started rolling over! Today was Eric's first day watching him solo (I'm out of town for a whirlwind business trip) and Everett rewarded him with hitting a big milestone today. Eric said he placed him on his back and he kicked and flipped himself over. Thinking it was a mistake, Eric put him back on his back and saw a repeat performance! The little boy never did like tummy time, and now he'll never have to spend any time on his stomach unless he wants to. Video to follow soon...

In the picture link, you'll see that Everett likes doing his ab exercises, getting ready to flip from stomach to back. If you put him sitting in his boppy pillow, he spends the whole time trying to sit up and eventually doing one long stomach crunch just frustrates him and he'll cry to be put flat on his back. If you use the boppy to do tummy time, he'll launch himself over the top with his constantly kicking legs and face plant himself into the ground... so I think we're going to have to call it quits doing activities with the boppy!

Everett still isn't grabbing onto things by himself yet. He'll hold onto toys if you put them in his hands and bring them to his mouth to try and eat them. He'll swing at his toys on his playmat, and he really wants to hold onto them but hasn't quite got the coordination down. So far the only things he's good at grabbing are his hair (leading to bald spots!) and clasping his hands together like a little opera singer.

Our little boy is also a giggle machine. He loves sitting on his dad's stomach, and thinks it's hilarious when you clap his hands together. Also, saying "Yay, Everett!" is a pretty sure fire way to get a laugh or smile out of him if he's well rested - which is great for getting some good pictures.

Everett's happy, so we're happy.

And here are the pictures to prove it :)
10/26/10 update

Monday, October 11, 2010

11 week update

Hi Everyone!

Everett had his 2 month appointment on October 6th. His measurements confirmed that the little babe is growing up a LOT. At birth, he was in the 25th percentile for height and weight and now at his 2 month appointment he's jumped over the 75th percentile. He's 23.5 inches long and 12 lbs 13 oz. Since his last doctor appointment at 1 month, Everett gained 3 lbs again - so the little boy is definitely eating really well. Everett's thighs look enormous (like white turkey drumsticks!) and he's got multiple chins :-). He's fitting well into his 3 month clothes with a little bit more room to grow into, but his legs are so fat that I'm having trouble finding socks that will stay on his feet but not cut off circulation.

At his doctor's appointment, the doctor checked his head shape and Everett's not in any danger of getting a flat head - which I knew since he tosses and turns throughout the night and is constantly moving his head. Everett's also got a strong neck, the doctor pulled him up from lying down to a sitting position and he held his head steady and didn't let it flop back - which she said was a milestone that usually isn't achieved until around 4 months. Also, although his appointment was at naptime, Everett was very attentive and cooing at his pediatrician the entire time - proving that he's hitting all his important milestones on time.

Everett then got his vaccinations, 1 orally and 3 shots. The nurse was great and moved very quickly so by the time Everett screamed from the first injection (and man, did he turn super red!) the nurse got the other shots done before he even took a breath to scream again. He whimpered a little bit while I got him dressed, but by the time we walked out to the elevators he was fast asleep. Everett took a couple longer naps during the afternoon but had no other ill effects from the vaccinations (ie, no fever, fussiness, etc) except leg soreness at the injection sites that bothered him during diaper changes. What a champ, he's a tough little boy!

Here's a G-rated photo from his appointment, unhappy that he's naked and not being carried:

For other updates, Everett's started to get very particular about getting put down. He likes to be on his back to play on his playmat, where he could spend hours. He has, however, decided that he doesn't like to do tummy time on his playmat - he'll fuss after 5 minutes and want to be turned over to play on his back. He'll only agree to do tummy time for longer if he's laying on mommy or daddy's stomach - which is fine by us since he's so darn cute when he plays with us :-).

Everett also does not like to be put down for naps - it's very rare that we can get him to sleep unless he's being carried. All the books says it's impossible to spoil a baby under 4 months, but that's what all the signs are pointing to! Everett will nap in his baby carrier and in our arms most of the time. I mentioned this to his pediatrician, and she said it might just be easier to let him nap and get his much needed sleep while carried instead of wasting time fighting with him and letting him cry trying to put him down in his crib. He's napping in my arms right now as I type this! I'm just thankful Everett doesn't need to be carried to sleep at night.

At nighttime, Everett is now sleeping in 6.5 - 7 hour stretches. Every once in a while he will get up at 4am and fuss a little bit, but will usually go back to sleep quickly. Now, just because Everett is sleeping 6.5 - 7 hours straight, that doesn't mean that I am. Everett is a really NOISY sleeper. From 3am to 6am, Everett will grunt and sigh very loudly and toss and turn, even though he's pretty soundly asleep. I'll wake up when I hear him on the monitor and watch to make sure I don't need to go and soothe him back to sleep, and this happens every 30 minutes or so - ensuring that I'm still pretty tired when his day starts at 6am.

Overall, Everett is very happy baby. He loves to coo and chat with people, which makes him a big hit with the relatives at parties. He smiles and laughs a lot. He's especially happy now that he's learned how to get his fists to his mouth to suck on, and he's starting to reach out and either bat or grab onto his favorite toys on his playmat - which gets him really excited.

I go back to work in 3 weeks - too soon! I'm jealous that Eric will get to be home with the Everett for 7 weeks, especially since he's so much more interactive now. Sigh.

Here are some more pictures of Everett to tide everyone over until the next post. Take care until then!

10/11/10 update