Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3 month update - rolling over!

Everett turned 3 months today! And he started rolling over! Today was Eric's first day watching him solo (I'm out of town for a whirlwind business trip) and Everett rewarded him with hitting a big milestone today. Eric said he placed him on his back and he kicked and flipped himself over. Thinking it was a mistake, Eric put him back on his back and saw a repeat performance! The little boy never did like tummy time, and now he'll never have to spend any time on his stomach unless he wants to. Video to follow soon...

In the picture link, you'll see that Everett likes doing his ab exercises, getting ready to flip from stomach to back. If you put him sitting in his boppy pillow, he spends the whole time trying to sit up and eventually doing one long stomach crunch just frustrates him and he'll cry to be put flat on his back. If you use the boppy to do tummy time, he'll launch himself over the top with his constantly kicking legs and face plant himself into the ground... so I think we're going to have to call it quits doing activities with the boppy!

Everett still isn't grabbing onto things by himself yet. He'll hold onto toys if you put them in his hands and bring them to his mouth to try and eat them. He'll swing at his toys on his playmat, and he really wants to hold onto them but hasn't quite got the coordination down. So far the only things he's good at grabbing are his hair (leading to bald spots!) and clasping his hands together like a little opera singer.

Our little boy is also a giggle machine. He loves sitting on his dad's stomach, and thinks it's hilarious when you clap his hands together. Also, saying "Yay, Everett!" is a pretty sure fire way to get a laugh or smile out of him if he's well rested - which is great for getting some good pictures.

Everett's happy, so we're happy.

And here are the pictures to prove it :)
10/26/10 update

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