Monday, December 27, 2010

5 month update - Everett's first Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope everyone had a good holiday, we certainly did! We spent our Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day with our friends and family, eating well and watching holiday movies. Christmas morning, our little family started our first traditions - present opening and a fancy homemade breakfast (ie, not cold cereal for a change). Thanks to our very generous loved ones, Everett had many gifts to open. While he was too young to understand what was going on, we were able to get him to rip away at the wrapping paper - though he spent more time trying to eat the packages than open them. :)

Everett then celebrated his 5-month birthday the day after Christmas. Everett started rolling over from back to stomach about 2 weeks ago, and for a while forgot how to go from stomach to back - but now he can roll freely in every direction. Along with being able to roll onto his stomach, we felt safe letting Everett sleep on his stomach - which coincided with him sleeping much better. With very little training (crying), on a good night, the little boy is now sleeping 11-12 hours a night with usually only one wake up at 3 or 4am to eat, with a final wake up time from 6 or 7am. Naps took a little more patience, but now EJ is usually able to soothe himself to sleep in 5-10 minutes, and then stay asleep for 1 to 1.5 hours, 3 times a day. It's amazing how much more we were able to get done during the day when you don't have to carry him for all his naps. I feel much more relieved that Everett can nap by himself now since he's going to daycare.

It's amazing to watch and see how much he changes every day. Everett has taken a lot more interest in his toys, especially things that rattle and spin. He is able to entertain himself for longer periods of time, and even enjoys tummy time now (finally!). He's constantly grabbing at things and turning things over in his hands, followed by chewing on stuff. It's usually not too much trouble, except for when Everett tries to grab and suck on his toes while we're giving him a bath! EJ's not ready to sit up by himself, but he is preparing to crawl. He can push up onto his hands and knees and will push himself backwards. If he wants to get to a toy, he'll roll or pull himself sideways. Looks like we're going to have to baby-proof the house soon!

We're looking forward to 2011 with our little boy, the new year is sure to bring a lot more exciting changes as Everett gets older!

12/27/10 update

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