Saturday, January 15, 2011

a day at the park...

We had some perfect weather this Saturday, low 70s and sunny, so it was time to take Everett to the park. We were also excited to bring the little boy outside because he's finally able to sit up by himself for long stretches of time. The link to all the pictures is below, lots of repetitive shots - it's easy to get camera happy with Everett! It was hard to get Everett to look at the camera because he was so excited looking around, but here are a couple good ones from our outing:

We're guessing now that Everett can sit up pretty well that he'll be crawling soon. He's now able to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth without getting anywhere. I tried unsuccessfully to capture a picture for evidence, the moment he saw the camera he would flop onto his stomach and assume the "superman" position. Everett is still more likely to push himself backwards with his hands, but we noticed that he'll now propel himself forward with his feet if he puts his face on the ground. Once he gets mobile, this little guy is sure to get himself into some trouble. Here's Superman:

Everett has now been at daycare for 2 weeks. The transition was rough for all of us. After the first couple days, our daycare lady was telling us that Everett was extra difficult - didn't like to be put down, couldn't entertain himself, cried and fussed all day, etc. At first I was thinking, not my child, she just must not know how to handle him. Then when we had Everett full time last weekend, we discovered that the little guy is acting up, going through separation anxiety - though we're not sure if it's a phase or a result of being at daycare. Everett used to be able to play by himself for short bursts of time, but now if you turn away from him or step away for a couple seconds the little guy starts crying and screaming his head off. Thankfully the second week went a little smoother, and the daycare lady is willing to be patient. Hopefully Everett will adjust soon.

11 more days til Everett is 6 months old - can you believe it? We're going to start him on solids next weekend, can't wait! Should make for some good pictures. :) Everett's still on a liquid only diet, mostly breast milk but I've had to supplement with some formula since I can't keep up with his huge appetite. It will be nice when the solid foods become a bigger part of his calorie-intake so I won't have to be such a slave to the pump, it's so much work!

Alright, here are the rest of the pictures for your viewing pleasure. Usually I edit out all the repeats, but there were just too many cute ones and I'm feeling a little lazy tonight. Enjoy!

2011-01-15 Everett

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